
ADMA Energy Partners meeting with the European Innovation Council

ADMA Energy Partners meeting with the European Innovation Council

Eleonora Nadin 2 minutes

The ADMA Energy partners meeting on 17 May focussed on progressing the proposed actions and activities for 2021, related to the demo case development and networking activities. Notably, the meeting featured a presentation on the European Innovation Council (EIC) by Francesco Matteucci (European Commission) and explored opportunities for the ADMA Energy Pilot in this regard.

The presentation from the EIC gave insights into the three main support schemes including Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator. More details are available here.

Updates from the demo cases within the ADMA Energy Pilot were presented. The Power transfer in the sea partnership, which focuses on integrating offshore renewables at sea, storage, and power for related industries at sea, continues to work on the next steps to move forward with the proposed demo case. The Next generation materials demo case, which focuses on the use of lighter materials in offshore wind turbines to reduce costs, has engaged support for consortium development, including for the identification of available funding resources towards the submission of a joint proposal amongst the involved parties. Joining of large-scale components, whose goal is to enable adhesive bonding as an alternative joining method in the primary structure in shipbuilding and offshore constructions, includes in its next steps the development of a roadmap, defining business cases, and setting up of a consortium. ADMA partners also discussed the previously identified topic of Offshore decommissioning of Oil & Gas rigs in Sustainable and Circular Economy Frameworks, to further the identification of potential areas of intervention and engagement of regions in this proposed topic.

Furthermore, the meeting covered the latest developments within the Vanguard Initiative, including the updated website (currently ongoing), upcoming events of interest, as well as possible funding opportunities of interest. Updates on the forthcoming Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) as well as Horizon Europe were included.