
ADMA technical webinars 2023

ADMA technical webinars 2023

Mathieu Didry 3 minutes
1st ADMA Technical webinar - 14 December 2022.

While the ADMA Energy Pilot aims at the creation of new value chains in the growing offshore energy industry, the webinar aimed at discussing emerging challenges of the sector, addressing transnational value chains and identifying funding opportunities for demo case developments. Discussions allowed an exchange of ideas and cross-pollination amongst the pilot’s participants, but also new stakeholders.

Pilot coordinator Stefano Valentini (ART-ER) presented Vanguard Initiative and ADMA pilot, introducing the demo cases and their last achievements.

The Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN) presented the scope of the “Next generation materials” demo case, as well as its latest achievements, its current and future planned activities. NAITEC automotive and mechanical technology center ( was also presented to all attendees, and a focus was given to materials for offshore energy application, to the Nano Pilot and the SHM demo case, opening opportunities for collaborations with the ADMA pilot.

Discussions then focused on the “Power transfer in the Sea” demo case and on Hydrogen and electricity production. Greentech - The Energy and Sustainable Development Cluster of the Emilia-Romagna region ( presented the “Offshore: Hydrogen and electricity production” project and different calls for proposals that could be of interest for ADMA members.

Throughout the event, spaces were given to the regions who joined the ADMA pilot in 2022. In particular, the Polski Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies ( and the Maritime Technology Cluster of Friuli Venezia Giulia ( presented their organisations and topics of interest for collaboration opportunities.

Attendees also discussed funding opportunities, namely under the I3 calls for proposals and smart specialisation strategies.

To conclude the webinar, The Marine Energy Research and Innovation Center (MERIC, Chile) presented its activities, technological capacity, infrastructures and project. This led to fruitful discussions on international collaboration, and for the investigation of fields and opportunities for collaboration with ADMA.

A collaborative activity for ADMA members was finally organized to conclude the event, with the objective to identify areas for collaboration to be inserted in the Action Plan 2023.


2nd ADMA technical webinar – February 10th 2023

The second ADMA TECHNICAL WEBINAR took place online on 10 February 2023.

Pilot coordinator Stefano Valentini (ART-ER) presented Vanguard Initiative and ADMA pilot, introducing the demo cases and ADMA activities and updating participant about the previous webinar.

Technical presentations included an update about the “Power transfer in the Sea” demo case connected initiatives. Presentations by industrial stakeholders included a presentation by Rosetti Marino group on the activity, capabilities, business lines and sustainable solutions of Fores Engineering Srl, a high technological industrial solutions provider (, and a presentation from Techferm ( introducing the participants to its clean hydrogen and power cable offshore projects.

Attendees also discussed funding opportunities – a potential idea to be submitted under the H2020 call for proposals was suggested by ENEA ( HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-15- Critical technologies to improve the lifetime, efficient decommissioning and increase the circularity of offshore and onshore wind energy systems. Brainstorming followed.

The webinar was closed with a presentation by Solartys, the Spanish cluster for solar energy (, on its activities, projects and on the possibility for collaboration with the ADMA Energy pilot.