
Progress update from the 3DP pilot

Progress update from the 3DP pilot

Eleonora Nadin 2 minutes

SMEs-led demonstration projects recently finalised, with promising results!

Nine SMEs located in VI 3DP Pilot member regions recently completed their 3DP Pilot-initiated/supported demonstration projects. Each project was led by an SME and involved at least two facility centres located in two distinct EU countries. Such projects, funded by the 3DP Pan EU Open Call, generally achieved very positive results.

SMEs were able to cooperate with specialised Facility centres to develop new parts, products, processes, etc. Progress was made in different applications areas: automotive, construction, tooling, agriculture, etc. Relying upon these results, SMEs will now move closer to markets and hopefully commercialise soon now products/processes/services! Regarding the VI 3DP Pilot demo case, such SMEs-led projects enabled good progress to be made in terms of developing further some of the solutions/services co-developed and offered in the context of the demo cases.

More information about each SME-led project can be found on the flyer on the top right of this web page.  

VI 3DP Pilot helps its members to benefit from EU Funding Opportunities

The VI 3DP Pilot implements every semester a sequence of ‘Information Sharing -->  Matchmaking ' Proposals generations In 2022, this has led to 6+ proposals for Horizon Europe Cluster 4 IAs and RIAs being submitted, as a direct consequence of Pilot services/activities!
In addition to this, the VI 3DP Pilot submitted an application for the I3 Call, first cut-off date.
Finally, the VI 3DP Pilot secured grants for funding activities: Trinity project selected, Cornet project selected (networking/research), etc. 

A new sequence aimed at facilitating access to funding opportunities for our members will be kicked off during the next VI 3DP Pilot Plenary Meeting 22 and 23 of June 2022, in Eindhoven. 
Please contact [email protected] if you want to receive additional information.

Events jointly organised with CECIMO, reaching out to companies active in tooling industry

VI 3DP Pilot cooperates with CECIMO to organise Webinars aimed at connecting Facility Centres’ expertise with possible end-users needs, in the field of 3D Printing and tooling.
A first webinar was organised on the 24 of February and focused on highlighting the role of FCs in the growth of AM.

The next event will be organised on the 28 of June from 11.00 – 12.30 and will shed light on the major business impacts generated by the cooperation between Facility Centres and SMEs with a focus on the tooling industry.

Flyer T4i436.13 KB
Flyer Saker517.91 KB
Flyer Rejoint588.62 KB
Flyer Moses463.95 KB
Flyer MIND497.87 KB
Flyer E-Wenco338.01 KB
Flyer AIDRO486.86 KB
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